

Endeavouring to reduce our Environmental Impact

SEED Resort prides itself on being environmentally conscious and overseeing sustainable practices wherever possible. At the Resort you will notice modest practices such as reduced use of plastics as well as high-impact solutions including the use of solar power to supply significant parts of the resort with renewable energy as well as engagement in waste management. Organic waste is composted and re-used as fertilizer for the garden. The salt-water pool overlooking the breathtaking beach view is entirely run on solar, supplied with energy from the blistering sun hitting the resort daily. The rooms are built using sustainable materials such as recycled wood and all electrical equipment has a high efficiency to reduce the environmental impact of the entire Resort.

SEED Resort has taken on the approach of farm-to-table dining, embodying a healthy lifestyle and bringing satisfaction to any and all types of food enthusiasts. As well as growing coconuts on site, the resort has its very own herb and vegetable garden, supplying the restaurant with healthy homegrown herbs, vegetables and fruit. The fertilization and treatment of any food-bearing plants on site is nontoxic to ensure a natural and healthy supply of organic food for the Resort’s guests. Natural remedies such as Neem oil are used to treat palm trees and other plants instead of chemical solutions that will pollute the surrounding soil and groundwater. The resort has a bio septic tank installed to deal with wastewater efficiently recycling all wastewater to irrigate the dense green garden and grounds of the resort. Such practices go a long way in ensuring minimal environmental impact by SEED Resort on the natural beauty of Rote.

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